Luteolin and Aging

Protecting Against Mitochondrial Aging

Massive free radical damage occurs in the cells' energy power plants (the mitochondria), which can overwhelm the cells' antioxidant defense systems. Mitochondrial damage due to aging is a serious health problem in elderly people, whose energy levels decline precipitously even when they remain disease-free.

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) has been shown to stimulate glutathione production for the purpose of providing protection against free radicals that are continuously being generated in mitochondria. In addition to protecting against mitochondrial free radical damage, NAC has been shown to reduce the effect of intracellular hydrogen peroxide by 93%.(123) Supplemental NAC can reduce the frequency and duration of infectious diseases. NAC is used as a mucous dissolving agent in chronic bronchitis,(125-128) an antidote for liver damage induced by acetaminophen (the pain reliever), and an inhibitor of hemorrhagic inflammation of the urinary bladder caused by tumor suppressing drugs.

Free radical damage is both a causative and contributing factor in the development of degenerative disease. Scientists are now concentrating on specific free radicals, the different part of the cell that these free radicals attack, and the types of antioxidants that are needed to provide intra- and inter-cellular protection against oxidative stress. Life Extension Mix provides antioxidants, such as 600 mg of NAC and 500 mg of taurine per daily dose, to protect against differing types of free radicals both inside and outside of cells.

Facilitating Youthful Methylation

Enzymatic and genetic activity throughout the body depends on the continuous re-methylation of DNA. The age-related breakdown of youthful methylation metabolism predisposes the body to a wide range of degenerative diseases. Maintaining healthy methylation patterns protects against DNA mutations that damage cells and can cause cancer.

Vitamin B12 works synergistically with folic acid and TMG to enhance DNA methylation and reduce toxic homocysteine in the blood. Scientific studies confirm that orally administered vitamin B-12 supplements are effective.

Vitamin B12 plays a critical role in many enzymatic processes required to maintain good health. Elderly people can suffer from severe neurological impairment if they are deficient in vitamin B12.

An all natural Luteolin Supplement by LutiMax™ can improve your overall quality of life.